Cast the line by pressing SPACE at the right time. The closer you are to the right end of the bar, the farther your line will be cast.
The hook will begin to descend slowly to the bottom. Press SPACE again to slowly withdraw the line.
To catch a fish, you have to bring the hook close to the one you want to catch and keep it as near to the prey as possible.
When the fish is fighting, press SPACE repeatedly to prevent it from fleeing!
Be careful when reeling in the line if a fish has taken the bait! If you press SPACE too hard, you risk breaking the line!
Guppy | Small | Common |
Tetra | Small | Common |
Minnow | Small | Common |
Goldfish | Small | Common |
Platy | Small | Uncommon |
Swordtail | Small | Uncommon |
Neon Tetra | Small | Uncommon |
Danio | Small | Uncommon |
Killifish | Small | Rare |
Rasbora | Small | Rare |
Endler's Guppy | Small | Rare |
Cherry Barb | Small | Rare |
Ember Tetra | Small | Premium |
Celestial Pearl Danio | Small | Premium |
Clown Killifish | Small | Premium |
Golden White Cloud | Small | Premium |
Angelfish | Medium | Common |
Molly | Medium | Common |
Gourami | Medium | Common |
Barb | Medium | Common |
Boesemani Rainbowfish | Medium | Uncommon |
Cherry Barb | Medium | Uncommon |
Black Skirt Tetra | Medium | Uncommon |
Harlequin Rasbora | Medium | Uncommon |
Electric Blue Ram | Medium | Rare |
Discus | Medium | Rare |
Pearl Gourami | Medium | Rare |
Blood Parrot Cichlid | Medium | Rare |
Flowerhorn Cichlid | Medium | Premium |
German Blue Ram | Medium | Premium |
Rainbow Shark | Medium | Premium |
Peacock Gudgeon | Medium | Premium |
Common Carp | Big | Common |
Catfish | Big | Common |
Tilapia | Big | Common |
Pike | Big | Common |
Redtail Catfish | Big | Uncommon |
Arowana | Big | Uncommon |
Snakehead | Big | Uncommon |
Zander | Big | Uncommon |
Arapaima | Big | Rare |
Sturgeon | Big | Rare |
Wels Catfish | Big | Rare |
Peacock Bass | Big | Rare |
Golden Dorado | Big | Premium |
Alligator Gar | Big | Premium |
Platinum Arowana | Big | Premium |
Tiger Shovelnose Catfish | Big | Premium |