Princess 1rst Female If used during player's turn, she heals the player for 15% HPs (related to the player current level) at the cost of 10% Mana Points (based on player current level)
Archer 1rst Both If an archer is equipped when a fight starts, he will instantly hit the enemy for 10 % of the player current attack stat. During the fight the archer doesn't attack or act in any way
Wizard 1rst Male The wizard will try to hit the enemy casting a spell at the cost of 10% Mana Points (based on player current level) as well as 70% of hitting the enemy. Each wizard card uses a different spell element (thunder, fire, poison etc)
Rogue 1rst Both If used during player turn he will try to hit the enemy from behind. Normal damage is quite low but it has 25% of landing a critical hit allows to deal a big amount of damage. No mana cost
Cleric 1rst Both If used during player's turn, she deals a big amount of damage to undead/ghosts enemies regardless of their immunities. Damage is extended to all enemies in sight. It's uneffective against other enemy types. The cost of 10% Mana Points (based on player current level)
Halloween Special Cleric 1rst Female If used during player's turn, she deals a big amount of damage to undead/ghosts enemies regardless of their immunities. Damage is extended to all enemies in sight. It's uneffective against other enemy types. The cost of 10% Mana Points (based on player current level)
Dryad 1rst Female If used during player's turn, she can charm the opponent using her mysterious singing. A charmed opponent is unable to act for 4 turns (each turn the chance of getting free from the dryad's grasp increases by 25%). Enemies with weakness to MIND damage have 2X chance of getting charmed. The cost is 10% Mana Points (based on player current level)
Ranger 1rst Both If used during player's turn, the ranger deals 10% of the current player damage to enemies. If used against animals (of any kind) the ranger deals 50% of the current player damage. The cost is 5% Mana Points (based on player current level)
Alchemist 1rst Both If used during player's turn, the grimo will throw a potion to the character. The potion effect is randomly choose among all existing potions in the game (both positive or negative). No Mana cost.
Necromancer 1rst Female If used during player's turn, she deals 25% of the current player damage to enemies. Damage dealt is of DARK type. Her attack is useless against Undead-type enemies. The cost is 10% Mana Points (based on player current level)
Tinkerer 1rst Male Each time the player is hit by any source of damage, the Tinkerer has a 10% chance of popping out immediately and throw a bomb towards the enemy, dealing 10% of the current player damage. Damage dealt is of FIRE type. No Mana cost.
Druid 1rst Both If used during player's turn, the Druid will cast roots towards the enemy which last 3 turns. Roots inflict 5% of current player damage per turn and heal the player by the same amount of damage inflicted. The cost is 15% Mana Points (based on player current level)
Shielder 1rst Both This grimo will automatically negate any damage inflicted by Archer grimos at the beginnng of the fight. If used during player's turn, he will negate the next incoming damage but will be incapacitated after taking this damage, making him not usable anymore for the rest of the fight. No mana cost.