Follow this easy step tutorial to be able to use your KG collectibles inside the game! ❤️🔥
- Go on and create your account with a valid email.
If you have already an account just skip at the next step

- You can notice a "Connect Wallet", click on it and you will be directed on another web page 😼 where to continue. So no worries, it’s totally safe!

- Create an account clicking on "Sign Up", with the SAME email used for the game account, it's really important! ⚠️❗
Username and password can be different 🏵️

- You will receive a confirmation email. Have a look in spam folder if you cannot find it. Then in the email, click on the button “confirm” to confirm your account 💌

- After you have clicked on the button “confirm”, you’ll be transported on the previous web page where you registered yourself. Now you can go on “Sign In” and login.
Just click on "Connect Wallet"! No worries, is just READ ONLY!

- You're now ready to go! Your wallet is connected!
Go back in the game portal and login as usual to play the game!
If you hold Grimos from the Companion collection on @Immutable @rarible you will be able to use them in game! Knights implementation are also coming soon!